Desalination and Sanitation system for Parsian special zone

Project Specifications

The Employer


Project Consultant

Abad Pey Paydar

Project location

Parsian City, Hormozgan Province, Iran


From May 2021 to February 2021

project process percentage


Project Introduction

The preparation of tender documents for Imidro (the employer) involved a detailed analysis of project requirements. It includes the scope of work, technical specifications, and contractual terms and conditions. The aim was to ensure that all necessary information and instructions were provided to potential bidders for a transparent and competitive bidding process.

Firstly, for the EBC desalination plant, the tender documents should initially have included the design, supply of equipment, and installation units including the necessary desalination equipment, energy recovery systems, and control systems. The specification determines not only the desired capacity, but also performance goals, and environmental considerations for the plant.

Secondly, the tender documents for the sewage collection network focused on the design and construction of the network including pipelines, pumping stations, manholes, and related infrastructure. This specification emphasized the need for an efficient and reliable network to collect and transport wastewater from different parts of the Parsian region.

Thirdly, The tender documents for wastewater treatment include the design, supply, and installation of a comprehensive wastewater treatment plant. In other words, this specification addresses the required treatment processes such as screening, biological treatment, and disinfection to ensure the effective removal of contaminants and compliance with regulatory standards.

Finally, the preparation of tender documents for the EBC desalination plant, sewage collection network, and sewage treatment package in the Parsian special zone shows Imidro’s commitment to the development of essential infrastructure projects.

In conclusion, the successful implementation of these projects will contribute to the sustainable development of the region, meeting the needs of water supply and wastewater management in the Parsian region in Hormozgan province.

Kimiashahr water supply, irrigation, and sewage collection network
Water supply to Lamerd investors
Category: Desalination،Reservoir And Pumpstation،Sewage Pumpstation،Sewer Network،Wastewater Treatment Plant،Water Transmission