Abad Pey Paydar is a company based on technical knowledge. It operates in the fields of consulting, engineering and design, procurement, and construction, especially in the fields of water and environment. This company, by using capable experts and relying on significant experiences in the fields of water and wastewater engineering, river and flood control, green space irrigation, and environment, has been able to provide the best quality of consulting and executive services to a wide range of its customers, including public, private and multinational companies. By employing the most advanced technologies and knowledge of the world, this company has played a distinguished role in national development and executive plans.
Abad Pey Paydar is proud to be a member of the business clinic in Alborz Industrial Estates Company since March 2017, and as an empowering and trusted company of that organization, it provides the necessary technical engineering services to the industries located in the industrial estates of the Alborz province. In this regard, providing engineering and technical services in the fields of water, wastewater, and environment to a large number of industrial units located in the industrial towns of Alborz province is one of the recent activities of this company.
Quality is the most important part of our business
Our effort is to provide solutions to solve our customers’ problems
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Iran specialized water clinic
A new service from the empowerment team of “Abad Pey Paydar” company