Naft Behran Cooling Towers Foundation

Project Specifications

The Employer

Behran Oil


Abad Pey Paydar

Project Consultant

Abad Pey Paydar

Project Location

Tehran, Shariati St., Shahid Dastgerdi St


From March 28, 2023 until now

Project Process Percentage


Project Introduction

The foundation of Behran oil cooling towers is the preparation of materials and the implementation of 4 foundations of new cooling towers located in Behran oil refinery. The foundation of Behran oil cooling towers is the preparation of materials and the implementation of 4 foundations of new cooling towers located in Behran oil refinery.

The schedule and working facilities are adjusted and provided in such a way that the whole operation always has homogeneous progress. Also, appropriate implementation methods and compliance with the sequence of works will be accepted in such a way that the quality and progress of the project will be provided according to the contract.

Construction and Procurement

The schedule and working facilities are adjusted and provided in such a way that the whole operation always has homogeneous progress. Also, appropriate implementation methods and compliance with the sequence of works will be accepted in such a way that the quality and progress of the project will be provided according to the contract.

One of our services for the foundation project of Behran oil cooling towers is concrete curing. The necessary arrangements for concrete pouring and its care include keeping the concrete moist (water supply), carrying out sacking or nylon. Our other services for this project include: concrete destruction with an air compressor, smoothing the concrete surface, preparation and implementation. It is nylon. The services provided by this contractor are: manual excavation, demolition of brick wall, loading and transportation of waste out of the refinery. . It should be noted that at the same time as the excavation, it will be done to load and remove the garbage.

We also cleaned, collected and removed garbage and emptied it in places approved by the municipality on a daily basis.


In conclusion, the implementation of Behran Oil Cooling Towers foundation project for Behran Oil Company shows the commitment of Abad Peydar as a contractor and equipment supplier. This project supports the smooth functioning of factories. It also contributes to the growth and success of Behran Oil Company.